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The Paradox of Seeking for What You Already Are From Struggle to Peace - Seeker's Academy
The Paradox of Seeking for What You Already Are: From Struggle to Peace
January 8, 2025

The Nature of Awakening: Unveiling the Truth Beyond the Search

The Nature of Awakening. Seeker's Academy.

Take a moment to pause—to truly arrive here. Take a deep breath. Let the world around you soften. Let the noise fade into the background.

This is your time. A sacred space to reflect,  and to awaken to the deeper layers of your being.

Today, we explore one of the most profound and often misunderstood topics on the spiritual journey: Awakening.

It’s a word filled with weight, mystery, and sometimes confusion. What does it really mean to awaken? And perhaps more importantly, what does it not mean?

Let’s unpack this together.

What is Awakening?

Many seekers start their journey with an idea—a belief—that awakening is a sudden moment, a grand realization after which everything changes forever.

But the truth is, the nature of awakening is twofold:

  • It can happen in an instant—the first moment you recognize your true nature. And this recognition isn’t something that just “happens” to you; it’s something you can intentionally make happen.

  • Then, awakening continues as a process—a gradual unfolding. Layers of conditioning fall away, and your presence begins to radiate more clearly through your body and mind – in your thoughts, emotions, behavior and actions.

Awakening is Not About ‘Getting There’

Awakening isn’t about striving for something outside of yourself. It’s about seeing what you already are.

It’s not about becoming someone new or reaching some distant mountaintop of enlightenment. It’s about recognizing the nature of your being that has been here all along—a shift from identifying with thoughts, emotions, and stories, to realizing the vast awareness in which all these arise.

Imagine the sky. The sky doesn’t change when clouds pass through—it remains vast and untouched. Awakening is the recognition that you are, and always have been, that sky.

Even if it doesn’t feel true when you’re stressed or overwhelmed, the practice of knowingly being gradually dissolves the sense of separation—the root cause of fear, doubt, and lack.

Key Insight: Awakening is an unfolding, not an achievement.

Common Misconceptions About Awakening

One of the most common misconceptions is believing that awakening will solve all your problems—that you’ll never feel sadness, anger, or confusion again.

But awakening isn’t about the absence of challenges. It’s about meeting them differently.

Instead of resisting pain or escaping discomfort, awakening brings a deep openness—a trust in the unfolding of each moment.

This trust comes from knowing who you truly are—from feeling yourself as infinite presence, beyond the noise of your thoughts and emotions.

Key Insight: Awakening isn’t about “getting there.” It’s about being here. Now.

If you’ve ever felt like you’ve missed your awakening moment, pause. Take a breath. You haven’t missed anything. You are already here.

The Practical Nature of Awakening

The beauty of awakening lies in its practicality.

It’s not something reserved for monks in distant monasteries or those meditating in perfect silence. Awakening happens here—in the middle of your messy, ordinary life:

  • When you pause before reacting in anger.

  • When you fully notice a sunset without reaching for your phone.

  • When you hold space for your own pain without judgment.

These moments happen naturally when you know yourself.

Awakening isn’t something you can force, and it’s not about programming your mind to react differently. It’s about living from the knowing of who you truly are—over and over again.

The more you rest in your silent presence, the more it begins to radiate powerfully into every aspect of your life.

Key Question: How can you invite more presence into your daily life?

The answer is: Learn to knowingly be.

A Simple Practice for Awakening

Here’s a simple practice you can return to anytime:

  1. Pause. Wherever you are, stop for a moment.

  2. Breathe. Take a deep breath in… and out.

  3. Notice the stillness. Observe the space between your thoughts—the peace between your breaths.

  4. Rest there. Even if just for a moment.

Notice how alive and present you feel.

Awakening isn’t about doing—it’s about being.

The smallest moments of stillness can calm the biggest emotional storms, allowing you to enjoy the clarity of your being, no matter what’s happening.

The True Nature of Awakening

Awakening isn’t about escaping life—it’s about meeting it fully, with trust, openness, and presence.

It’s the lived recognition that you are infinite, ever-present awareness.

The peace, clarity, and love you seek are not outside of you—they are your very nature.

Remember: You are already being that which you seek.

Take a breath. Feel into this truth. And let it guide you gently home—to the peace that has always been here.

I invite you to pause often, breathe deeply, and rest in your own presence.

🌟 Explore more insights and join our programs for self-realization: bastianelagloria.com/seekers-academy-programsevents/

From confusion to clarity. From seeking to being. You are already home.

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