Note: This material was co-created together with Richard Griffiths, my former spiritual intelligence teacher and trainer, back when I was the deputy director of the 3Q Institute. This material is the property of the 3Q Institute and is put at your disposal here to bring you a broader but also synthesized understanding of the effects of a steady practice with the Method. The Method we use is our practice was named "3Q Method" by Richard Griffiths (it's inventor), that is why it appears with this name in the following text. (3Q = IQ (intellectual intelligence) + EQ (emotional intelligence) + (exercised with) SQ (spiritual intelligence)).

This information is exclusively for the members of the Starseed Training School, please do not share in written or recorded format.

Science, transformation and effects of the Identity Shift from ego to Soul achieved with the diligent practice of the Method

You can use this technique for instant transformation of consciousness anytime and anywhere to shift instantly beyond ego to your higher self. This new technique of instant transformation is based on secular principles derived from various fields of scientific research. The evidence from modern science is corroborated by the findings of spiritual traditions based on the experience of spiritual practitioners going back thousands of years. This new technique is therefore the product of a synthesis between science and spirituality. But how is 3Q different from other approaches that also integrate science and spirituality?

The 3Q Difference
The 3Q difference is that once you have learned this new technique of instant transformation, you can use it to access the qualities and capabilities of your higher self instantly anytime and anywhere on the spot.

Instant Transformation
Can transformation be instant? Yes! Because transformation is transcendence, which is instant. It’s not possible to transcend anything gradually. Transcendence is a complete and all-pervading shift in dimension that can only be accomplished all at once or not at all.

Advanced Capabilities
The shift to spiritual intelligence by means of the 3Q Method occurs in an instant as you transcend your ego and the qualities and capabilities of your higher self spontaneously emerge as required in response to the present moment.

Meditation Space

When you shift beyond ego you enter the meditation space. Traditional forms of meditation typically take 20 minutes or more to complete. But 3Q meditation is constructed differently, which is why it’s much faster.

Identity Shift

3Q meditation completes the core psychological process common to all forms of meditation which is the identity shift beyond ego. This is an instantaneous shift which 3Q meditation completes directly without pre-amble or delay. This is why 3Q meditation takes not 20 minutes or 10 minutes or even 5 minutes to complete but merely a second.

What Are Brain Waves?

Brain waves are divided into five different bandwidths that create a spectrum of human consciousness. Our brain waves change throughout the day and are part of a feedback loop that is influenced by what we’re doing, thinking, feeling, and being, at any given time.
Delta waves (0.1Hz to 3Hz) are the slowest brain waves and occur primarily during our deepest state of dreamless sleep.

Theta waves (4Hz to 7Hz) occur during sleep but can also occur in the deepest states of meditation.

Alpha waves (8Hz to 15Hz) are present when your brain is in an idling default-state typically created when you’re daydreaming or consciously practicing mindfulness or meditation. Alpha waves can also be created by doing aerobic exercise.

Beta waves (16Hz to 30Hz) typically dominate our normal waking states of consciousness and occur when attention is directed towards cognitive and other tasks. Beta is a ‘fast’ wave activity that is present when we are alert, attentive, focused, and engaged in problem solving or decision making.

Gamma waves (31Hz to 100Hz) typically hover around 40 Hz and are the fastest of the brain wave bandwidths. Gamma waves relate to simultaneous processing of information from different brain areas and correlate with a higher dimension of intelligence associated with insight, peak focus, and expanded consciousness.

On the Spot Transformation

3Q meditation is totally compatible with daily activities because it only takes a second to complete and it doesn’t interfere with whatever else you are doing, even if you are engaged in conversation. Whereas other forms of meditation typically involve seclusion, quiet, and repose for 20 minutes or more which requires you to abandon all other activities for a significant period of time.

Fresh from the Source

When you apply 3Q instant meditation to whatever you are doing you get the benefits of meditation delivered fresh from the source in direct response to the exact conditions of the present moment. Therefore, in any moment that is lived with 3Q, the grace of the soul forms your response and the power and insight of the soul informs your decision.

Transformative Power

This means that the transformative power of your higher self to influence your life is intensified by instant 3Q meditation in comparison with other meditation techniques that require inactivity and separation from the rest of life. This is because 3Q instant meditation can be combined with your lived experience in the present moment whatever you are doing.

Meditation Re-Engineered

3Q meditation does not select elements from different meditation techniques and combine them to form a new meditation technique made up of a new combination of elements. Instead, 3Q identifies the essence of the meditation process itself and creates a wholly new pathway from the ego to the meditation space. The 3Q Method is meditation re-engineered.

Instant Meditation

Instead of spending 20 minutes experiencing one by one the qualities of higher consciousness (first compassion then gratitude then love then something else etc) the 3Q method takes only one second to shift to the state of identity beyond ego in which all those qualities are inherent and therefore immediately accessible.

Effortless Precision

In only one second 3Q meditation creates access with effortless precision to the same state of identity, and the associated dimension of intelligence, that other meditations take 20 minutes or more to access.

Scientific Study of Intelligence

At the beginning of the scientific study of intelligence in the early 20th century, the definition of intelligence was restricted to intellectual intelligence (IQ). This narrow definition of intelligence prevailed until the mid 1980’s, when emotional intelligence (EQ) was identified as another dimension of intelligence of equal, or even greater, importance.

Next Dimension

Recent advances in psychology and neuroscience have identified spiritual intelligence (SQ) as a further dimension of intelligence that is even more powerful. Both IQ and EQ are important, but they are not sufficient to access full human potential, maintain top performance, and provide enduring fulfilment. The next dimension of intelligence is also necessary.
Instant Meditation
Instead of spending 20 minutes experiencing one by one the qualities of higher consciousness (first compassion then gratitude then love then something else etc) the 3Q method takes only one second to shift to the state of identity beyond ego in which all those qualities are inherent and therefore immediately accessible.

Effortless Precision
In only one second 3Q meditation creates access with effortless precision to the same state of identity, and the associated dimension of intelligence, that other meditations take 20 minutes or more to access.

Scientific Study of Intelligence
At the beginning of the scientific study of intelligence in the early 20th century, the definition of intelligence was restricted to intellectual intelligence (IQ). This narrow definition of intelligence prevailed until the mid 1980’s, when emotional intelligence (EQ) was identified as another dimension of intelligence of equal, or even greater, importance.

Next Dimension
Recent advances in psychology and neuroscience have identified spiritual intelligence (SQ) as a further dimension of intelligence that is even more powerful. Both IQ and EQ are important, but they are not sufficient to access full human potential, maintain top performance, and provide enduring fulfilment. The next dimension of intelligence is also necessary.

The 3Q Cascade Effect is the manifesting current of life energy, enlightening the mind, awakening spiritual awareness, opening the heart, and energizing contribution to others.

Vertical and Horizontal
Spiritual intelligence represents vertical development because SQ is the intelligence of your higher self beyond the ego. By contrast, the exercise of IQ and EQ in the absence of SQ are extensions of the ego, and therefore represent horizontal development.

Strategic and Tactical
Spiritual intelligence is sometimes known as Strategic Intelligence, in contrast to Tactical Intelligence, which is only IQ and EQ. That’s because IQ and EQ are about HOW to do things (tactics), whereas SQ is about WHY we do things (strategy). Tactical intelligence is horizontal development and Strategic intelligence is vertical.

Human Operating System

The twin poles of attention represent the human operating system, known as the humanOS, with the ego at the object-pole, and the true self, the soul, or consciousness itself, at the subject-pole. Shifting from the object-pole to the subject-pole creates a corresponding shift from ego to soul, which activates the spiritual dimension of intelligence.

Why is Spiritual Awakening Regarded as Difficult?
Now we know that spiritual awakening is easy, but historically spiritual awakening was regarded as difficult. That’s because until recently people didn’t know about the human operating system (humanOS) and they didn’t know how to navigate the humanOS with ease and precision. But now we do know! Recent advances in psychology and neuroscience have identified the basic operating system of human awareness, and discovered a simple way to unlock the spiritual dimension of intelligence for instant spiritual realization.

Every human being has an operating system, just like a computer or a phone. When you know how to upgrade your human operating system to next level intelligence, you go from surviving mode to thriving mode, and everything changes instantly: you Think better, Feel better, Relate better, and Perform better.

The Architecture of Identity

Personal identity is commonly assumed to be single and indivisible. But on closer inspection of lived experience, it becomes evident that personal identity has two fundamental and distinct domains: object-pole identity and subject-pole identity. These two poles of human identity are otherwise known as body-mind identity and existential identity, which correspond respectively to the ego and the soul.

Identity Management

By shifting from ego identity to soul identity, spiritual intelligence gains access to all the qualities and capabilities of your higher self. Therefore managing your state of identity is your main responsibility, because your identity determines your experiences, your responses, your results, and your destiny. Consequently, we need to be aware of our automatic tendency to adopt a false ego identity, by using the 4th dimension of intelligence to remember our true soul identity. Identity management is therefore the new stress management. Your ego carries the stress, not your soul. As the soul at the subject-pole, you can pre-empt stress before it happens, rather than just react to stress after it happens, as the ego at the object-pole. Therefore the most effective way to manage your stress is to manage your identity by navigating your humanOS.

Ego Mistake

When you don’t understand your humanOS, you can mistakenly waste time trying to make changes at the object-pole of attention. The ego does this all the time. It’s the perennial ego mistake. In fact the key to transformation is to shift to the subject-pole of attention, and thus activate the advanced capabilities of spiritual intelligence. Then you can find at the subject-pole what you would otherwise only seek in vain at the object-pole. And with the benefit of spiritual intelligence you can make changes at the object-pole, not with the limited vision and energy of your ego, but with the wisdom and power of your soul.

Spiritual Intelligence is Applied Meditation

Spiritual intelligence is activated by the meditation space, which is consciousness free of the influence of objects of attention. When you use spiritual intelligence in the midst of everyday events you bring the transformative power of the meditation space and all its inherent qualities to the activities of the present moment. For this reason spiritual intelligence is called applied meditation.

Benefits of Spiritual Intelligence

Elevate your Consciousness
by Activating a Higher Dimension of Intelligence

Direct perception of truth in the moment beyond appearances without the filter of the mind, and an explanatory framework that enables you to understand and decode all your experiences.

The meditation space is free of the influence of objects of consciousness (which includes all body-mind conditioning). Therefore the meditation space feels peaceful because any disturbance is caused by the influence of an object of consciousness. As applied meditation, spiritual intelligence therefore feels peaceful.

With spiritual intelligence you derive your sense of self not from your current thoughts and emotions or from your personal life-history, but from your presence. This give you freedom from the past and freedom from conditioning. No mind-made chains. No limits. No pressure. No expectations. You are free to be who you truly are.

The unobstructed radiance of the heart shines with unlimited power in the meditation space when consciousness is free of the influence of objects. As applied meditation, spiritual intelligence therefore networks love. Wow! It’s joyful to have direct access to spiritual truth, and feel loving and free and peaceful!

The heart shines to infinity in the meditation space, bathing all in love-bright radiance. You no longer feel separate, you feel one with all that is. In that state of non-separation, compassion flows freely and spontaneously. Since SQ is applied meditation, compassion is therefore a faculty of spiritual intelligence.

Empathy is the key to solving world problems. This is self-evidently true. However empathy (EQ) becomes exhausted and burns out unless you can draw on the depth of loving-kindness from your higher self (SQ). Without spiritual intelligence empathy is not sustainable for long. SQ is the source that replenishes and sustains empathy.

In the absence of the ego, the light of intuition and the wisdom of the heart shine forth when consciousness is free of the influence of objects. Intuition and Wisdom are therefore faculties of SQ which are immediately accessible when you activate your spiritual intelligence.

The ego is immature as it always pursues its own interests at the expense of others, and consequently the ego does not have integrity. But when we transcend our ego-identity, we feel connected to everyone. Thus with spiritual intelligence we feel one with all. Therefore, spiritual intelligence treats everyone with honesty and respect, which shows up as maturity and integrity.

The infinite power of consciousness itself seeks expression through your agency in the person of your human body-mind. Thus, as consciousness itself, you connect to the source of creativity with spiritual intelligence. Creativity is therefore a faculty of spiritual intelligence.

Spiritual intelligence opens up when you shift identity beyond the ego. In the absence of the ego, you have access to the qualities and capabilities of a higher dimension of intelligence, and as a result you think better, feel better, relate better, and perform better. Spiritual intelligence therefore results in high performance.

The 3Q Brain Upgrade

Neuroscience of Spiritual Intelligence

The neuroscience of spiritual intelligence reveals that the 3Q Brain Upgrade has five main parameters: it changes brain processing; resets brain frequencies; re-balances brain neurotransmitters; stimulates the process of neurogenesis that creates new brain cells; and builds new brain structure that supports the higher dimension of intelligence.

Optimize the Brain

The 3Q Brain Upgrade optimizes the brain for engaging three principal dimensions of intelligence simultaneously (IQ+EQ+SQ). The default setting of attention after the 3Q Brain Upgrade is at the subject-pole of attention, not at the object-pole of attention. The 3Q Brain Upgrade therefore replaces the ego with the soul as the seat of personal identity and as the governor of IQ and EQ.

State of Presence

After the 3Q Brain Upgrade, your SQ uses IQ and EQ not to pursue the goals of the ego but to express the qualities of the soul, which are experienced at the subject-pole of attention in the state of presence, in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace. Below are the five main parameters of the 3Q Brain Upgrade.

1. Brain Processing
Brain processing in the 3Q brain shifts from exclusive use of serial and parallel processing to include synchronous processing. This change in processing is associated with the combination of SQ with IQ and EQ. Synchronous processing results in a unified state which is experienced as presence.

2. Brain Frequencies
The 3Q brain resets brain frequencies to include gamma frequencies, which otherwise occur rarely and at random. Gamma frequencies are associated with activation of the spiritual dimension of intelligence.
3. Brain Neurotransmitters|
The 3Q brain reduces neurotransmitters that generate fight and flight reactions, which are generally overused by the ego, and increases neurotransmitters that are associated with wellbeing and balance.

4. Brain Neurogenesis
The 3Q Method stimulates particular parts of the brain that are responsible for the process of neurogenesis, resulting in the generation of new brain cells that are used to strengthen existing brain networks and build new ones.
5. Brain Structure
The 3Q Method builds new brain structure that sustains the experience of spiritual intelligence. Consequently the more you use your 3Q, the more 3Q brain structure you create, and so the easier it is to activate your 3Q, and the more often your 3Q intelligence kicks in spontaneously.

Results of the 3Q Brain Upgrade

Categories of Transformation

Transform how you feel by engaging the 4th dimension of intelligence:
Angry to Compassionate
Fearful to Loving
Sorrowful to Joyful
Blaming to Forgiving
Anxious to Peaceful
Confused to Clear
Futility to Meaning
Apathy to Purpose
Despairing to Energised
Bored to Creative
Unsure to Self-confident
Miserable to Happy

Transform core wounds by learning how to discover them and heal them with repeated access to the 4th dimension of intelligence until healing is permanent:

Shame to Self-worth
Helplessness to Inner Power
Self-rejection to Self-esteem
Existential Angst to Serenity

Transform unwanted beliefs and expectations and gain relief from their influence by repeated application of the 3Q method as required until relief is permanent.

Free yourself from inner blockages by repeated application of the 3Q method as required until freedom from blockages is permanent.

Gain relief from unwanted tendencies and habits by accessing your higher intelligence as required until relief is permanent.

Transform your destiny by living from your higher intelligence and free yourself from the destiny of the ego in the realisation of your true self as the soul.

Help to transform collective consciousness by engaging the 4th dimension of intelligence in unison with others.


The 3Q Method employs neuroplasticity, which re-wires the brain according to how you use your attention. Studies show that meditation can rewire the brain in a matter of a few weeks. By using the 3Q Method for a mere 5 minutes per day for the three months duration of this Quest, you are rewiring your brain to make the 4th dimension of intelligence easily accessible at will. This represents a complete brain upgrade in terms of brain processing, brain frequencies, brain neurotransmitters, neurogenesis, and brain structure.

Complete Brain Upgrade

Your results represent a complete brain upgrade, which will enable you to think better, feel better, relate better, and perform better, and gain access to all the qualities and capabilities of your higher self.

Permanent Results

Your 3Q brain upgrade lasts beyond our work together. Studies in neuroscience show that the design of the 3Q Method ensures that you will build new brain structure that strengthens your 3Q neural network. This is due to the fact that when you maintain any state of awareness for 15 seconds or more continuously, your brain transfers the experience from short-term memory to long-term memory.

Evolving Your Brain

The shift to long-term memory is accomplished by building new brain structure that supports continued access to the experience, in this case the experience of spiritual intelligence. Consequently, completing this Quest will evolve your brain into a higher state of functioning. When your 3Q brain upgrade is complete, as verified by your brain monitoring data, your 3Q intelligence will be instantly accessible at will.

Spiritual Intelligence and Mindfulness

Today Mindfulness is widely used as a form of meditation. One of the advantages of Mindfulness is that it can be easily used in a work setting. Mindfulness and Spiritual Intelligence have much in common, but there is also a significant difference.

Mindfulness is the practice of simply observing your experiences without judgement. Accordingly, Mindfulness returns again and again to the object of attention. By doing so without judgement, Mindfulness transcends the binding power of any particular object of the ego’s attention. This is in contrast to spiritual intelligence which returns again and again to the subject of attention. As a result, while Mindfulness transcends ego-content, spiritual intelligence transcends not only ego-content but also ego-identity.

By transcending ego-content, Mindfulness creates calm and focus, but by going one step further and transcending ego-identity, spiritual intelligence shifts to your true identity, which not only creates calm and focus but also gives access to all the qualities and capabilities of your higher self. Spiritual intelligence thus includes and exceeds Mindfulness.

At times some people who practice Mindfulness can go beyond simply transcending ego-content and shift to transcending ego-identity, which is the equivalent of spiritual intelligence. However, this shift beyond ego-identity is a secondary after-effect that may or may not occur while practicing the Mindfulness technique as described by teachers of Mindfulness, which is to “observe experience without judgement.” This is in contrast to the practice of spiritual intelligence as described here. In the practice of spiritual intelligence, the shift beyond ego-identity is not a secondary by-product of the practice that may or may not occur. On the contrary, the shift beyond ego-identity is the very core of the practice and the primary result of the practice of spiritual intelligence.

Therefore, the key distinction between Mindfulness and spiritual intelligence remains: Mindfulness is a practice that transcends ego-content without transcending ego-identity, although at times Mindfulness may result in transcending ego-identity, but only secondarily and at random. Whereas spiritual intelligence is a practice that inherently transcends ego-identity, directly and by design.